Our Story

The plan to develop a child development center came to fruition in 2007 with the completion of our brand new building on Bowers Road.  Three years ago we formed a partnership with Waverley Elementary School and we have spent these years helping young families in our community with food, school supplies, and paying for field trips.  It became very clear to us that the need reached beyond the school and we realized there were children who would benefit from an excellent program designed for young children to before and after school age.

Our future plans are to open an after school FREE program to families of school age children where they will receive tutoring, dinner, and a safe place to play both outside or in our beautiful gymnasium.  Because we are a not for profit organization and an extension of the First Baptist Church of Frederick all of the donations and tuition received goes right back into this program in the form of staff compensation to new supplies and materials for the classrooms and a percentage will be put into the after hours FREE program to school age children in this area.

Come join us on this exciting journey!